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Autism is no longer considered a rare disease, with the Centers for Disease Control now estimating that many children in the US struggle with this isolating brain disorder. New research is leading to greater understanding and the ability to treat the disorder at an earlier age. It is hoped that further genetic and imaging studies will lead to biologically based diagnostic techniques that could help speed detection and allow early, more effective intervention.

Edited by two leaders in the field, this volume offers a current survey and synthesis of the most important findings in the neuroscience of autism over the past 20 years. With chapters authored by experts in each topic, the volume explores etiology, neuropathology, imaging, and pathways/models. Offering a broad background of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) with a unique focus on neurobiology, this volume provides more than other resources on the market with a strictly clinical focus or single-authored perspective that fails to offer expert, comprehensive coverage. Researchers and graduate students with an interest in developmental disorders and autism will benefit, as will autism specialists across psychology and medicine looking to expand their expertise.

  • Uniquely explores ASDs from a neurobiological angle, uncovering the molecular/cellular basis rather than merely cataloging commonly used behavioral interventions.
  • Comprehensive coverage synthesizes widely dispersed research, serving as a one-stop resource for neurodevelopmental disorder researchers and autism specialists.
  • Edited work with chapters authored by leaders in the field from around the globe, offering the broadest, most expert coverage available.

1 review for “Unraveling the Brain: The Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders”

  1. PETER P
    December 10, 2014
    5.0 out of 5 stars Very good book! Combined summary of the latest research data ...
    Very good book! Combined summary of the latest research data about ASD. Very helpful for doctors, researchers and psychologists who are interested in ...More
    Very good book! Combined summary of the latest research data about ASD. Very helpful for doctors, researchers and psychologists who are interested in autism. 5 stars no doubt!
    Helpful? 0 0
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