**Do You Worry You May Be Autistic?**
It can be a daunting and worrying prospect to consider the possibility and more and more cases and being missed in children and diagnosing in adults.
This book is designed to help you learn about the signs and symptoms of autism and how to spot them and give you practical solutions and exercises you can do at home to try and alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition, as well as information regarding more traditional treatments that your doctor may subscribe so you know what to expect.
This book is the culmination of over five years research working with and improving the lives of autistic adults and children.
Whether you are reading this book for yourself, or you’re worried about a child or loved one, it will give you an insight and a new found understanding into the condition and how best to cope with it.
What You Will Learn in This Book:
- What is Autism
- What are the differences between Autism and Asperger’s
- What are the symptoms in Children and Adults
- What should I do if I think I have Autism
- What help or treatment is available
- Techniques you can do at home to alleviate symptoms
- Stress Management
- Trigger Management
- Much, Much More!
**Download This Book Today! New Extended 2nd Edition!**
Helpful for those recently diagnosed with autism and informative for those who are trying to understand and help anyone with autism.