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In How to End the Autism Epidemic, Generation Rescue’s co-founder J.B. Handley offers a compelling, science-based explanation of what’s causing the autism epidemic, the lies that enable its perpetuation, and the steps we must take as parents and as a society in order to end it.

While many parents have heard the rhetoric that vaccines are safe and effective and that the science is settled about the relationship between vaccines and autism, few realize that in the 1960s, American children received three vaccines compared to the thirty-eight they receive today. Or that when parents are told that the odds of an adverse reaction are “one in a million,” the odds are actually one in fifty. Or that in the 1980s, the rate of autism was one in ten thousand children. Today it’s one in thirty-six.

Parents, educators, and social service professionals around the country are sounding an alarm that we are in the midst of a devastating public health crisis―one that corresponds in lockstep with an ever-growing vaccine schedule. Why do our public health officials refuse to investigate this properly―or even acknowledge it?

In How to End the Autism Epidemic, Handley confronts and dismantles the most common lies about vaccines and autism. He then lays out, in detail, what the truth actually is: new published science links the aluminium adjuvant used in vaccines to immune activation events in the brains of infants, triggering autism; and there is a clear legal basis for the statement that vaccines cause autism, including previously undisclosed depositions of prominent autism scientists under oath.

While Handley’s argument is unsparing, his position is ultimately moderate and constructive: we must continue to investigate the safety of vaccines, we must adopt a position of informed consent, and every individual vaccine must be considered on its own merits. This issue is far from settled. By refusing to engage with parents and other stakeholders in a meaningful way, our public health officials destroy the public trust and enable the suffering of countless children and families.

14 reviews for How to End the Autism Epidemic

  1. PB Max
    January 1, 2024
    5.0 out of 5 stars The best yet
    Every time I think I can't possibly learn any more about autism, I am proven wrong. This book comes from the perspective of a dad of his vaccine injur...More
    Every time I think I can't possibly learn any more about autism, I am proven wrong. This book comes from the perspective of a dad of his vaccine injured autistic son. His research, clarity, and presentation of the facts is nothing less than brilliant. I think any lay person can read this and understand. I struggle with what book to give to new or expectant parents, but this one will be on the top of the list. Thank you for your work. I'm forever moved by your story and your fight to end this epidemic.
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    December 10, 2023
    5.0 out of 5 stars Every parent NEEDS to read this book.
    This book is so full of information. There are so many sources, articles, studies. It’s not an opinion piece, rather a compilation of someone’s long j...More
    This book is so full of information. There are so many sources, articles, studies. It’s not an opinion piece, rather a compilation of someone’s long journey on finding the hidden information. The journey of advocating for your child is a long and difficult one, but this is a good place to start to find the information you need to make an educated decision.
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    Elliot Myers
    October 28, 2023
    5.0 out of 5 stars Must read to be truly informed about vaccines!
    This book was so educational. Based on so much research and data. Truly informative!! I'm not a mom yet, but I feel way more confident in what future ...More
    This book was so educational. Based on so much research and data. Truly informative!! I'm not a mom yet, but I feel way more confident in what future decision I'll be making for my babies and vaccines. 10/10 recommend reading this book to make an informed decision on your child's health!
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    Kathleen R
    May 19, 2023
    5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful!
    Every parent, whether your child has autism or not should read this book. I didn’t know this information when my daughter was born 12 years ago. I typ...More
    Every parent, whether your child has autism or not should read this book. I didn’t know this information when my daughter was born 12 years ago. I typically followed the recommended vaccination schedule and she developed a severe peanut allergy and excezma. I started refusing the flu vaccination for her back in 2015 and ended up leaving the practice after getting in an argument with her pediatrician. I’m grateful because my grand children and great grands and all future generations from my womb will Be unvaccinated.
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    Linda Chapman
    April 6, 2023
    5.0 out of 5 stars Reads like a thriller!
    I don’t have autistic children or grandchildren, but still this book is for everyone! If you have anyone in your life, who is expecting, you should r...More
    I don’t have autistic children or grandchildren, but still this book is for everyone! If you have anyone in your life, who is expecting, you should read this book and hand it off to them. It is so informative, heartbreaking and inspirational all at the same time. I read a lot and this is one of the best books I have ever read. We are being fed so many lies from our government, the CDC, Academy of pediatrics, and sadly our very own pediatricians. Get informed, save the next generation of children- Buy it now!.
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    April 14, 2021
    5.0 out of 5 stars Grabs your heart
    I am in many ways an outsider. I don't have children or grandchildren with autism. However, I have a cousin with autism and I know families who have a...More
    I am in many ways an outsider. I don't have children or grandchildren with autism. However, I have a cousin with autism and I know families who have autistic children. When my first child was born in 1980, I gave birth at home with a midwife because I did not trust doctor. Back then, women were forced into a birth process of drugs, shaving, cutting, and impersonal mostly male doctors. My intuition told me it was wrong. As a bonus, my children were never vaccinated. I had no idea the science, I am so grateful I avoided a catastrophe even if by accident. When my grandchildren came along I dived into research and learned the danger in vaccines and shared my findings often and loudly. Thankfully, my grandchildren have been protected from vaccines. They are healthy and bright, something that used to be normal. I can see vaccine injury on the vast majority of children. It is easy to spot. Once you are accustomed to children that have not been drugged (vaccinated) you quickly spot the subtle and sometimes stark lack of vibrancy in those who have been drugged. I am sad. I loved this book, it is well written, well researched, and a painfully grip ping read. Everyone must get on board now to save our children.
    Helpful? 0 1
    June 14, 2020
    4.0 out of 5 stars Not what I expected
    Excellent book for those who are questioning whether or not vaccines had anything to do with their child's sudden and drastic attitude changes and reg...More
    Excellent book for those who are questioning whether or not vaccines had anything to do with their child's sudden and drastic attitude changes and regression. However, I wish it had more tips and suggestions for parents trying special diets, supplements, programs, or other types of natural healing protocols. It had a little section, but I was hoping that's what the whole book was about and it wasn't. Great read, and very well researched, just not what I was expecting.
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    Stephanie Marques
    October 18, 2019
    4.0 out of 5 stars It is hard not to believe, but then again the author's child has autism...
    I believe in vaccinating children, but this book did make me think twice . However, the author's child is diagnosed with autism. The people making the...More
    I believe in vaccinating children, but this book did make me think twice . However, the author's child is diagnosed with autism. The people making these arguments have autistic children. Definitely an interesting read.
    Helpful? 0 1
    August 15, 2019
    This is a great book which sheds light on a very concerning question-what are we DOING to our kids these days. Why are more than half constantly sick...More
    This is a great book which sheds light on a very concerning question-what are we DOING to our kids these days. Why are more than half constantly sick, having constant seizures, dying from cancer, struggling with illnesses and allergies that could kill them in minutes? Why does the United States have the HIGHEST infant Mortality Rate in the Developed World? Why do tens of thousands of kids die of cancer every year-chances are you know one, or two, or in my case, over 20 kids who have died of cancer. I cannot tell you how many adults I know with Autoimmune Diseases.

    This all started with the vaccine schedules that have spiraled OUT OF CONTROL, I know several babies who DIED the night after their shots, including my God Son! I know several others whose Mothers saw them START HAVING SEIZURES, IR STOP BREATHING moments after getting injected!

    This book has well written and valuable information about the toxic ingredients injected into babies, the lifelong devastating side effects of vaccines and more importantly, how to detox the brains of your children if you were duped into letting them get injected with mercury, aluminum, MSG, aborted fetal cells, HIV Retroviruses, Lyme Spirochetes and all of the other dangerous things added as ingredients (aborted calf blood, E-Coli Bacteria, guinea pig kidneys) and the contaminants that come along with them (SV-40 cancer, EV-69,HIV and fungi)
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    Christine S
    February 20, 2019
    5.0 out of 5 stars Save your children! Read this book.
    This is one of the most important books I have ever read in my life. I only wish that I had looked into vaccines before I got my children vaccinated. ...More
    This is one of the most important books I have ever read in my life. I only wish that I had looked into vaccines before I got my children vaccinated. Luckily, I discovered this book just before I got my third child her 12 months shots. She developed eczema and severe colic right after her 2 month vaccines and I kept getting her vaccinated at 4 months and 6 months. Then, she got an ear infection and put on antibiotics. Then, she developed a peanut allergy. She is at risk for even more adverse effects of the vaccines. Had I taken her for her one year shots, I could have lost her. Thank you JB Handley, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Robert F Kennedy Jr., and Del Bigtree for standing up and telling the truth! This book shows the scientific evidence that vaccines DO cause autism. The pro-vaxxers like to call anyone who questions vaccines "anti-science". They are the ones relying on weak, bad science to "prove" vaccines are safe. I just can't believe that I didn't question vaccines earlier, especially since I am a registered nurse. I know that the drug companies are the ones pushing to make the guidelines for all medical treatment. Seriously, question all medical treatment. Don't just accept what you are told. This is our children for goodness sake. I'm buying copies of this book for everyone that I know that has small children. Unfortunately, most people don't want to hear it.
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    November 18, 2018
    5.0 out of 5 stars Kids should not be this sick...
    Finished this book in two days and although I don’t have any autistic children myself, I have seen firsthand the huge differences in vaccinated vs. un...More
    Finished this book in two days and although I don’t have any autistic children myself, I have seen firsthand the huge differences in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. I’ve been against vaccines for 13+ years. When I had my first child, I could not understand the reason for giving such a perfectly healthy baby a Hep B shot on day one of life. As a younger mom (I was 21 at the time) I didn’t know a lot about vaccines but came from a pro vaccine family. I just knew that this didn’t sit right with me and I wanted time to research before I made a decision either way. Once I started to read both sides, it was clear to me that, for my family, vaccination was not something we wanted to do. Best decision I’ve ever made. Flash forward 13 years later and I have three extremely healthy unvaccinated children and not a single regret. The first time my oldest got sick enough for me to be concerned (she had a fever lasting more than a couple days) she was 4! Up until that point she never had anything more than a cough, runny nose, and occasionally a low grade fever. It’s the exact same story with my younger 2 except they’ve NEVER been sick enough for a doc visit. My youngest is almost two and has never been to the doc for any sort of illness. We go to regular well visits so it’s not like I’m some crazy anti-medicine person. They just don’t get sick. EVER. No allergies, no eczema, no asthma, no delays, no autumnune issues (even though almost everyone in my family has thyroid disease, including myself). They are developmentally advanced... both older kids could read before the age of 5 and the youngest is no doubt on the same trajectory. I have a pretty big family with a LOT of kids and most of them don’t have the same ideas as we do about vaccines (despite me trying to educate). Kids in my extended family are sick ALL the time. I’m talking at least 8-10 times a year. Not just small fevers and the sniffles either. We’re talking ear infections, respiratory infections, allergies, diarrhea, flu... you name it. And yes, we now have a nephew who just received an autism diagnosis. He was born 5 weeks early, received the Hep B only a few days after birth and has been on time with all vaccine appointments. He’s 3 and my 22 month old has already passed him up developmentally. As hard and sad as it is, the one good thing that has come from it is it has opened some eyes to this epidemic and the very obvious correlation between vaccines. Kids should not be this sick. Period. JB Handley does such a great job of showing how all the puzzle pieces constribute to this problem. That it’s not just “vaccines cause autism,” but it’s much bigger than that.y heart breaks for those that have been injured by vaccines and for everyone that has been affected. I am grateful everyday that I listened to my gut so long ago and that I have 3 perfectly healthy children. I hope that I can play my role in this fight by being an example of how immunity is truly devolved and what the health of children should really look like.
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    Leslie Gold
    November 6, 2018
    5.0 out of 5 stars A Science Based Book on Autism/Medical Investigative Journalism at its Finest
    With so many myth and misinformation about autism and vaccines, it is REFRESHING to see direct science referenced and explained in detail. All the stu...More
    With so many myth and misinformation about autism and vaccines, it is REFRESHING to see direct science referenced and explained in detail. All the studies are explained and the legal, medical, political and social background that JB Handley gives explains this whole complicated subject so eloquently. JB Handley cuts through illusion so deftly and in such a balanced way. He even creates a game plan for ending autism that will work and will change the decline in our education system, our healthcare system and make America Great Again! It will be JB Handley - a dad driven by the pain of seeing his own son compromised by a vaccine injury and showing how the published science explains how this avoidable disability gets triggered. So much has happened in the last 4 years, as well as the last 10 years, to scientifically explain (showing biological mechanism) how vaccines are causing the brain damage and inflammation that we named - in many instances - autism. Even since the publication, another compelling study confirms everything that JB Handley sets forth in his book. In order to understand the import of the science coming out of many universities and clinics around the world, get the background through this book. It will change your life whether you are suffering from chronic illness, or have a child, or loved one with autism or ADD. There is ALOT more science out there supporting what you will learn by reading his well researched and scientifically supported book.
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    C. Howell
    November 2, 2018
    5.0 out of 5 stars Don't be afraid of what the truth may be
    This book is brilliant, sophisticated, and insightful, presenting paradigm shifting science and logic in a very readable way.As a parent to an autisti...More
    This book is brilliant, sophisticated, and insightful, presenting paradigm shifting science and logic in a very readable way.

    As a parent to an autistic child, J.B. Handley also instills a raw and real quality into the book that is gut wrenching at times, but appropriate and even necessary given the issue at hand.

    Though the topic is sobering, I really enjoyed this book. I connected with the people Mr. Handley wrote about, including himself; and I found the information genuinely interesting, even the scientific and legals aspects.

    I’ve been studying the general safety and effectiveness of vaccines for years and this book brought many things together for me when it comes specifically to autism. It all just makes too much sense. Such a victorious feeling is inspired when you encounter someone else expressing ideas that you agree with as effectively as J.B. does in this book. At times I had to stop and just sit with my sadness, horror and anger at the injustice so eloquently evidenced on the pages. And yet I was and am overwhelmed with hope that truth and justice will finally prevail over the manmade epidemic of autism.

    It’s a terrifying thing to open your heart and mind to facts that have the potential to change you worldview the way the information surrounding this issue can. It’s the reason people throughout history hold on so stubbornly and for so long to ideas that harm them - ideas that future generations shake their heads at. It’s the reason they defend them and even attack others who dare to suggest these mainstream thoughts might be in error. Being ignorant of the truth cannot protect you from it though. It just damns you to suffer in ignorance, therefore helpless to improve or escape your plight. And that’s what’s been happening to far too many. Be brave, Brothers and Sisters, Fellow Parents and Human Beings. We are on the same team here. Most of us love our kids and want what’s best for them. Don’t be afraid of what that may be. Our kids are endlessly more important than clinging to the dogma shoved down our throats by those who knowingly put profits over people or who turn a blind eye to the truth for their own sakes. The truth always comes out in the end and I know what side I want to be remembered for seeking out and standing on, even when it was the side of the minority. How about you?
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    Jennifer Downey
    October 3, 2018
    5.0 out of 5 stars Nobody enjoys being betrayed, but better to know
    Nobody enjoys being betrayed. And many of us would at times rather not look at the evidence, than admit being the victim of a betrayal. But from the ...More
    Nobody enjoys being betrayed. And many of us would at times rather not look at the evidence, than admit being the victim of a betrayal. But from the evidence assembled in Handley's book, it's clear that the American public has been betrayed by our public health establishment in the arena of vaccination rhetoric, policy and safety testing, and that a significant sub-group of vaccine recipients have already paid, or will pay a steep price for that betrayal. Those responsible are now doubling down on that betrayal, even as science is showing us in more detail the mechanisms of the damage being inflicted by currently-formulated currently-scheduled vaccines, on our individual immune systems, and on our bacteriological/viral ecology due to patterns of serotype replacement and viral/bacterial shift. The public needs to educate itself in order to protect itself from the corporate business interests and compromised regulatory agencies that will face enormous liability and reduced profits should a more science-concordant and reasonable vaccine testing/administration policy be pursued in the future. Lesson learned: The CDC is not an indifferent unbiased source of information on the relative risks/benefits of vaccines, or the science on their relationship with the development of autism. Mr. Handley is to be commended for ruthlessly wrestling down the uncomfortable facts of the matter into a form understandable to those new to considering these issues, and transforming a personal tragedy into a clarion call to awareness and action.
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